Monday, April 12, 2010


Lately my rental company has been sending me items from my rental line-up that I don't even remember putting on my list. When I received Fired in the mail, I saw that it was directed by Jonathan Morgan (one of the more reliable porn directors) and it starred Carmen Hart (who did a great comedic turn in Carmen Goes South) and I assumed this combination had led me to putting Fired on my list. As added bonuses, Fired also featured Katie Morgan and Stephen St. Croix. The combination of Jonathan Morgan, Carmen Hart, Katie Morgan, and Stephen St. Croix let me have high hopes for Fired, and for once I wasn't disappointed.

The movie starts with Carmen coming home from the fair with T.J. Cummings, who she has just met that day and of course this leads to the first sex scene. T.J. turns off Carmen's alarm clock the next morning; this causes Carmen to oversleep and lose her job and we find out she is an expert at losing jobs.

Carmen's two best friends, Katie Morgan (who's got the dumb blond thing down pat) and Nikki Rhodes are going to help Carmen decide on a career. First, Katie tells her about being a secretary and this leads to a sex scene between Katie and Evan Stone. Carmen gets a secretarial job and on her first day she needs to copy and collate some items. I won't go into too much detail about this scene, since I don't won't to spoil anyone's fun when they see Fired. I will say that the copy room scene is the funniest scene I have ever seen in a porno. I mean, fall out of your chair funny.

Since secretary didn't work out, Nikki tells Carmen about being a nurse for Steven St. Croix, of course this leads to a sex scene. However, when Carmen tries to be a nurse for Kyle Stone, the results are completely different and we know nursing isn't going to work for Carmen either.

Carmen then learns about Alex Sanders and how he tests men's fragrances. This leads to a sex scene where the fragrance is so powerful that Alex gets attacked by Holly Wellin and Renae Cruz. Carmen decides to try her luck as a fragrance tester, of course the results are disastrous. When you see the results, you also realize that Carmen isn't very vain and will go the distance for a laugh.

Carmen's last disaster job in Fired has her landing a part on a soap opera, this leads to a sex scene with Voodoo. Of course Carmen also gets fired from this job, but some of her goofs from the soap opera make the internet and she's such a hit that she gets her own reality show. Fired was released in February 2008, Carmen Goes South, in which Carmen plays the star of a reality show was released in March 2008. Even though the two movies don't have anything to do with each other (in Goes South, Carmen is a completely different character), in the world of porno in my head, they fit neatly together.

This is the third or fourth Carmen Hart movie that I have seen over the last few months and she has been great in all of them, I am quickly becoming a big fan. It was refreshing to see a porn comedy that wasn't a parody of a TV show (although, as readers of this blog know, I like a good sitcum), and while Fired isn't perfect, it's close enough for me to give it an A.

Fired starring Carmen Hart, Katie Morgan, Nikki Rhodes, Renae Cruz, TJ Cummings, Evan Stone, Randy Spears, Alex Sanders, Voodoo, Steven St Croix, Holly Wellin and directed by Jonathan Morgan.


  1. Neat! I will have to scoop this up. I love Carmen Hart (I think I'm the only person who enjoyed One Eyed Monster, and I thought she was great in it).

  2. Cool! Let me know what you think after you watch it. We watched "One Eyed Monster" some time back and I definitely remember that we thought it was a fun little movie.


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