Saturday, April 24, 2010


Just like mainstream movie parodies (Scary Movie, Not Another Teen Movie, etc) Joanna Angel sets out to spoof porn movies and does a damn good job of it. She takes all of the porn cliches: pizza guy, cable guy, nurses, secretaries and uses them to her advantage. The actor/performers are for the most part from the world of Alt Porn. I only mention that, since I know some people get turned off by too many tats.

The plot: Joanna Angel is making a porn movie and nothing seems to go smooth in making the movie, including a protest bunch that follows them around.

Not Another Porn Movie starts with the pizza guy (Tommy Pistol) with the girl (Pinky Lee) who orders pizza and has no money to pay for it and has to work out a payment plan. This scene also lets the viewer in on where that terrible porn music is always coming from

The next scene has the porn actress (Pixie Pearl) who is hard to get along with and who had really rather be someplace else, plus Tommy Pistol is late to the shoot so James Deen has to fill in (pun intended).

After the two scenes from the making of the porn movie, Not Another Porn Movie has Joanna Angel and her assistant/secretary (January Darling) taking a break after a long hard day shooting the movie. There's some comedy bits here also and the scene flows good with the rest of the plot.

Back to shooting the movie, up next is the nurse/patient set up with Jade Jolie and Tommy Pistol, there's some comedy lines here, but what really makes this scene funny is that the sex goes on even longer than the other sex scenes in Not Another Porn Movie (and those scenes are way too long to start with) and Tommy Pistol starts improvising and goes wacko using anything that he can get his hands on.

The last scene in the movie is the only one that seems out of synch with the rest of the movie, maybe it's parodying the fact that some porn movies force an extra sex scene into a movie that doesn't fit. Anyway, Joanna's car breaks down and she needs a tow and James Deen shows up as the tow truck driver, sex ensues.

Not Another Porn Movie had a few problems. The main ones being the sex scenes running too long and the last scene not fitting with the flow of the plot. Still, the movie contains a lot of good comedic lines/situations while letting the air out of some of the hackneyed conventional porn movies that are out there. I can't imagine anyone who enjoys some laughs with their porn wouldn't like this movie. I grade this one a solid B

Not Another Porn Movie starring Joanna Angel, Jade Jolie, Pixie Pearl, Pinky Lee, Tommy Pistol, January Darling, James Deen and directed by Joanna Angel.


  1. I remember renting this when it first came out, and turning it off after about two scenes. I will likely watch it again some day, especially now you've given it an ok review. One day I want to write a long essay about porn movies about porn, so clearly this will be on the agenda.

  2. Only watch it when you're in the mood for a really "goofy" movie, the same type of goofiness that is in these mainstream spoofs. You'll probably have to FF a little bit since the sex scenes are so l-o-n-g. But if you do, slow down near the end of the Tommy Pistol hospital scene and watch him go wacko with props.

  3. Gah, "sex scenes running too long" is exactly why I've stopped watching contemporary porn. I've only seen a few of Joanna Angel's films and really wanted to like them, because I respect her business sense and personality and find her quite charming, but, alas, the absuuuuuurdly long sex scenes were mind-numbing.

    I've actually considered taking a scene from a flick like this and editing it down to a more palatable length to show that less can be more. Ultimately, though, the time and effort required is unlikely to be worth it....

  4. Roger: I have found the FF button to be my friend with modern day porn movies. I have seen very few sex scenes that could hold by interest longer than 10 minutes.


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