Sunday, January 19, 2014
In Her Head is David Stanley's homage to Alfred Hitchcock, with many of the film shots, the paranoid storyline, and the music cues recalling the famous director's work. Lexi Belle has stolen a briefcase full of cash....or has she? The owners of the briefcase, The Twins (Tati and Taylor Russo), are after her....or are they? Evan Stone plays Lexi's supportive husband who can't quite decide for himself if his wife is crazy or is she really on the run.
This was a highly inventive plot by David Stanley, at least for porn, and made for an interesting film. With the "in her head" concept, a couple of extra sex scenes could be included, since the viewer has to decide "are they really happening or is Lexi just imagining them". Lexi does a great job of acting and making her character believable, plus Evan is his usual dependable self in the acting department.
I'm not covering much of the storyline, since I don't want to spoil anything for other viewers. I will say, if you like a story that's outside the norm for XXX, then you'll really enjoy In Her Head. As an added bonus, the sound on the dvd is excellent, I'm noting this because sound is one thing lacking in many XXX features (i.e. The Time Machine). If it wasn't for the too long sex scenes (the modern typical 20+ minutes), I could easily rate this A+. I'm still giving the movie a solid A and highly recommending it to readers of this blog.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
The Time Machine turned out to be a pleasant surprise. I rented it on the strength of an excellent Jace Rocker production I had seen in the past, A Little Piece of My Heart, and the fact that it had Jonathan Morgan in the cast and he usually brings a sense of humor to any movie in which he is cast. I still felt that this was going to be a pretty standard vignette style porn masquerading as a feature, but it turned out to be a true feature in vignette style, if that makes any sense.
Jonathan Morgan inherits an old house and a pile of money from his late grandfather. In the basement, Morgan and his girlfriend Serenity find a time machine and while having sex they inadvertently send the time machine back to the old west. Since the directions were left behind, they wind up visiting different eras of time while trying to get back home. Of course this sets up sex scenes during different parts of history. Besides the Old West, there are scenes with American Indians, Romans, futuristic aliens, and prehistoric people.
The amazing part of The Time Machine is that it never lost sight of the part of the plot about trying to get back home. Even though each stop has its own story, the continuity of the main storyline is kept intact throughout the complete film. Add in LOTS of humorous lines, even if some are corny, and the pleasant fact the sex scenes only run around 12 minutes and you get a winning combination.
The only drawback to The Time Machine is lousy audio. It always seems audio is the least concern with any XXX production, but the audio in The Time Machine is particularity bad, it's like they only had one stationary microphone. I'm going to knock off a little bit for the sound problem but The Time Machine still earns a well deserved A-