Ok, Sasha Grey didn't really make the cover of The Rolling Stone, actually, her name didn't even make the cover, just the title of the article "The Dirtiest Girl in Porn".
I imagine this article was published because of Sasha's upcoming roll in Steven Soderbergh's The Girlfriend Experience.
Anyway, I just wanted to give a "heads up" to any readers of this blog, since I thought the article would be of interest to them.

Although, you can't read The Dirtiest Girl In Porn" online, you can read The Story Behind The Story. The most interesting part of "The Story Behind The Story" are the online comments.
thanks for the tip... I normally avoid Rolling Stone Magazine like the plague, so I probably would've never heard of the article otherwise... I'll definitely check it out
Good post! Speaking of plots and The GirlFriend Experience, there is a critically acclaimed, small indie film about a single mom who takes a porn gig to take care of her daughter and herself. It was said to be a better portrayal than TGE by Michael Tully at Hammer to Nail.com. Here is the link to the post and the movie itself.
Here is the controversial opening scene. Remind you of another plot?
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