The basic plot of This Ain't The Partridge Family is that Keith has a songwriter's block and he thinks it's caused by his lack of dates. When Danny finds an ad for love perfume in the back of Teen Pop Magazine (the same magazine was featured in Not The Bradys: Marcia, Marcia, Marcia), he decides to order it. At some point in the movie, each member of the family tries out the perfume and of course this sets up a sex scene.
After the opening scene, the movie has only very short plot scenes, just enough to get to the next sex scene. If the sex scenes were removed, you have what would amount to a typical boring Partridge Family plot(Actually, I've seen Partridge Family shows with lots more humor). IF we were given some laughs along the way, this could be forgiven. The one thing that I expect from these parodies is a good dose of humor and This Ain't The Partridge Family just doesn't deliver.
Let's hope that the XXX TV parodies aren't running out of steam. The first of these Will Ryder parodies I saw (and I think the order I saw these in was the order of their release) was Not The Bradys, which was pretty darn good. Next was Not Bewitched, which I thought was excellent. After that one, I saw the Not The Brady sequel Marcia Marcia, Marica, which was just ok, but paled in comparison to the first Not The Bradys. And now, Not the Partridge Family, which was a waste of time. It was so dull that I fast forwarded a lot ....hoping that it would get better somewhere in the movie....NOPE, never happened. I can only guess that it was rushed out too fast in order to capitalize on the demand for XXX sitcom parodies.
Next up in the Will Ryder parodies will be Not Three's Company.....Somebody please help me if Not Three's Company continues the decline. If the next one is worst than this one, it'll probably make me jerk the dvd out of the player and fling it out the door.
Is there anything good I can say about this one....well, there were only a couple of sets of fake breasts.
Shawna Lenee, Kristina Rose, Tori Black, Payton Leigh, Faye Reagan, Dane Cross, Madison Scott, Eric Swiss, Kris Slater, Sarah Jessie, James Bartholet, Sinclair, Nick Manning, Scott Lyons. Directed by Will Ryder of the 2 Not The Bradys and Not Bewitched.
Wow, that's a shame. But then again, this wasn't too high on my list of movies to watch (next is Three's Company, but somebody has had it rented from my video store for the last two weeks...grrr). I've never seen The Partridge Family - all I know is Danny Bonaduce was in it - so, wasn't bothered, and now based on your review it's even lower on my to-do list.
A shame, because I really like Tori Black. I will let you know about Three's Company...
That's very sad. I hope they don't continue down this terrible path. I'm still eagerly awaiting Not Married With Children.
Just had a thought. I wonder why no gay porn company has jumped on something like Not Hogan's Heroes.
Gore Gore Girl - Will look forward to your comments on Three's Company. And hope it is good. Next up in spoofs for me will be Gilligan's Island.
Mr Bugg - Hogan's Heroes sounds like it would be perfect for a gay xxx spoof!
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