I first saw the preview for Britney Rears on the Not The Brady's dvd. Even though Not The Brady's was only marginally entertaining, Will Ryder had done three of my favorite spoof/parody movies: Not Bewitched (2008), Not Three's Company and Not Married With Children (both from 2009). I thought maybe Britney Rears would be worth viewing, even realizing that it was one of Will Ryder's earlier efforts from 2004.
It didn't take me long to see that Britney Rears 1 - Wild Back Stage Sex Party has more to do with Will Ryder's vignette/gonzo type movies than it does with his better feature parody/spoof movies. Add in the facts that there were some bad looking fake boobs, cheap sets and uninspired sex scenes and I knew the best thing for me was to get it out of the player and return it to the rental company.
If you notice, this is Britney Rears 1, there were at least three more that I am aware of. I rate this one a D+
Britney Rears - Wild Backstage Sex Party starring: Britney Rears, Dawn Kelly, Mila Brazil, Mr. Marcus, Nicole Brazzle, Nyomi Marcela, Serena Marcus, Takota and directed by Will Ryder
Oh lord, that sounds terrible. I remember the trailer, and I think I even saw one of these movies. I like the song though: "My name is Britney, my tits are real..."
Maybe it got better.....Maybe the sequels were better........Maybe, I'll learn my lesson and quit renting such junk :-)
I'm going try to get another review in tomorrow, so I can have an even 50 movie reviews for the year, guess it's some kind of OCD thing!!!
I did the same for ADT - wanted 1000 posts before the end of the year. It happened very organically. Oh, and don't go out of your way to watch those sequels - you're better off with some good ole features. I have some classics to see myself in to the New Year. Have a great night!
Congrats on making senior member at ADT.
I saw a great classic a couple of weeks back: Nurses of the 407. Review will be some time next year.
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