This is the third Lee Roy Myers sitcum that I have seen and none of them have been very good so far(and I've got Cheers in the line-up to be watched).
That's not to say that The 70s Show - A XXX Parody was bad, it just didn't have enough good to overcome the bad.
The sets were all pretty close to the actual The 70's Show. The living room set was almost an exact duplicate, but someone put the TV in the wrong spot....I know that's just a small quibble, but it was it was so close, I was just disappointed to see this one glaring error. The kitchen and the basement sets were also pretty good, just not as good as the living room. The worst of the sets (and it wasn't that bad) was Eric's bedroom. The furniture looked pretty close, but there were posters on the wall that were nothing like the posters on Eric's wall in the real The 70s Show.
All the acting was decent and most of the actors stayed somewhat in character during their sex scenes. As far as looking like their real life counterparts, Hyde (Ralph Long) and Mrs Foreman/Kitty (Rachel Love) were the closest. Rachel Love looked like she was born to play the part of Kitty. As far as the actor who played Eric (Patrick J Knight), he looked like Conan O'Brien to me (Oh CoCo, who knew Jay Leno would drive you into porno!)
The plot of The 70's Show - A XXX Parody was pretty much like a plot you would have seen on the orginal show: the gang is going to see Led Zeppelin and Donna and Eric try to get backstage, but only Donna almost gets the chance (there's a plot point I won't spoil here) , then she lies to Eric and later has to tell him the truth.
The sex scenes of course were WAY TOO LONG, but that's not unsual for these modern sitcums. One sex scene that didn't fit with the character was the scene between Jackie and Hyde. During their sex scene, she tells Hyde to "put it in her rear". If you've ever watched The 70s show, you know this would be way out of character for Jackie.
If you liked The 70s Show, then you'll probably like The 70s Show - A XXX Parody. Just be advised that you're going to be watching a pretty average sitcum, but then The 70s Show was for the most part was a pretty average sitcom. I grade this one a C.
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