Here's the plot: Four hikers encounter a tribe of Amazons. While the storyline was cute and fairly humorous, the main problem was that there was very little storyline.
The sex scenes all fall mainly into the uninspired sex scenes that you can see in most pornos. Everyone gets the job done, just no passion to speak of.
There's one scene in Land of The Amazons with a performer known as Yvette. She's definitely a body builder with a super hard muscular body, so depending on your personal likes/dislikes you might find her attractive. Personally, I didn't like it and she sort of creeped me out...but hey, each to his own.
Since Land of The Amazons did have a plot (even if it wasn't much of one) and did include some well written comedic lines, I going to grade this one a C-
LAND of THE AMAZONS Starring Van Damage, Naomi Russell, Jezebelle Bond, Trent Soluri, Mikayla Mendez, Joey Valentine, Yvette, Evan Stone and directed by Daniel Dakota
I think I'll check this out - I like muscular women ("each to *her* own"). I would kinda expect all of the women in an amazon-themed movie to be muscular - that's pretty lame if there's only one. They shoulda used Cherokee.
As long as you go into the movie not expecting much, you should be ok and realizing that the title and the movie don't have that much to do with each other.
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